Saturday, August 2, 2014

ACC Conference in Israel III -- Jerusalem

Yom Rishon, back to work, back to business....back to the bus...lunch with the beautiful and amazing Judi Axelrod, my Israeli voice teacher ! Judi, you taught me so much, I hear your words in my head even today! It is very meaningful to meet old teachers, who not being officially the teacher anymore, allows our relationship to be one of friendship. Levi, Dave, Tamar, Judi... the walk through Emek Refaim was awesome--to see the "Abomination Beach", right here in Jerusalem, sand, water, cafes--just like Tel Aviv...

Studying Piyutim, religious/spiritual/ancient liturgical poetry with peytanim AND peytanot! And a spirited workshop with Nave Tehila. I had the blessing of singing with them during my year here, they changed the way I experience worship and look forward to bringing their 'neshama and kavannah' back with me.

Wandering on foot through my old neighborhood in Rechavia, passing our old stomping ground, getting excited to revisit the places that Coby and Ben used to jump on and jump off of giant stones, where we burnt our chametz before Pesach, where Coby had his lag B'omer party, where we watched movies and ate hummus....

Women of the Wall, who make so many people angry, and still accomplish revolutionary things in Israel. Small achievement which seem so archaic to us which move Israeli society more and more to the democracy that it claims to be. Early morning sunrise and singing at the Kotel where interestingly enough, our men hung themselves over the divider to hear us. Quite the opposite of the way it usually is, It was shacharit hafuch! Truly, and I remember this from my year in Israel, these 'rebellious' moments at the kotel were the only time I was aware that danger was around, so aware that we were inciting people to feel so angry that they might throw something at us, or at least throw bad language.
But still, perhaps if one day this work that IRAC does prevents the mother of a Bar Mitzvah from having to tip over while she tries to stand atop a flimsy plastic chair as she watches her son through a wall that pushes her away--maybe many more walls will come down as well.

Monday is filled with rehearsals for a glorious concert at the YMCA on King George St, where Ben went to summer camp. But prior to that Leslie and I led our final maariv t'filah, overlooking the old city, once again. I couldn't figure out who had the better view--our kahal looking through us at the skyline and the outside of the Old City, or us, watching them singing with a light in their eye. Leslie--my friend--this was a highlight of the week for me. Nishikot.....

The very last morning...t'filot on the Tayelet. Cantor Evan Kent, toda rabbah.
Pictures exchanged, prayers shared, music promised....of course, the cantors are on dropbox and sharing files immediately.
Thank you brings people together.

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